Sooo, my back hurts, still. It's been two weeks to the day since my minor accident on the M1, and it
still bloody well hurts. This is apparently perfectly normal, but I find this cold comfort.
Speaking of cold...
two feet of snow now sit on the ground in Sheffield. It started last night and has continued, on and endlessly on. I'm suppose to be going away this weekend, on a mystery birthday trip to, well, somewhere. It's a mystery. We're supposed to be flying out of Gatwick, one of the two airports currently
closed. And that's if we can even get there - did I mention the two feet of snow?
So I'm annoyed. My birthday is cursed. I'm in pain and I don't get my holiday, probably. So I'm complaining. There it is.
On the plus side....
- I'm not at work, not struggling home through the snow (no five hour commutes like some are reporting!)
- I'm indoors, nice and warm
- It's my birthday tomorrow, which means pressies and cards and phone calls (let's just ignore the fact that the post has stopped - snow)
- We are now into December, so I get a chocolate a day :)
- I've nearly finished knitting a nice chunky bag, just need a gusset/strap, a lining and sewing up.